Reflection is something I value tremendously. If we desire growth & expansion, we must give ourselves the opportunity to look closely at the things & people that have served us and to also look honestly at who & what have not. We must give ourselves permission to be completely transparent with ourselves & look directly at what has created any personal hiccups or challenges in order to transform our "failures" into revelations. By doing this, we can learn from the past & create wisdom for our future.

Visualization is also a practice I swear by. Knowing & declaring exactly what you want can be powerful if you create the time & space to do so.

Create the time & space for yourself to reflect on your past year & declare your vision for the new year to come!


Corissa Lu Lu

LEARN FROM YOUR PAST & CREATE intentional goals for your future!


Step into this new year with a healthier mind + fitter body + more playful spirit.

Show yourself some love by making time for personal reflection & create a vision for an awesome new year!

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